Normally something like this wouldn't be a big deal, but our neighborhood indentures say no clotheslines! Technically I could have gotten in trouble with today's activity, so today I also struck a blow against stupid regulations.
When we moved into our house and found out we couldn't line-dry our clothes, I wasn't too concerned. At the time I was doing laundry for five people, and it would have overwhelmed me to hang it all. However, I now realize that the regulation is really absurd. People in our neighborhood should be able to make their own decisions about this topic. As I was doing research, I found out that there are actually "Right to Dry" laws in several areas, and a group - Project Laundry List, that's dedicated to promoting simple ways of saving energy--such as line drying. Their website states that by hanging your clothes you can save money, conserve energy, and make your clothes last longer.
The other problem I realized I had partway through my project was that I had no clothespins. I improvised and used binder clips from my desk. They worked fine, but if hanging the laundry turned into a more-frequent activity, I'd have to invest in the correct tools.
I left the sheets on the deck all afternoon when I was at work. It clouded over a few times, and I was afraid it was going to rain. When I came home and brought them in, the cats really investigated the unusual smells.