According to the King's House Website, a quiet retreat is... "a place where we can take our deepest questions. The questions may be about where our life is going, our relationship with another, or the place of God in our life. A retreat gives us the solitude to work on those questions. During the retreats we offer a quiet atmosphere, time for solitude and prayer, inspirational talks, and the opportunity to talk to our qualified staff."
The theme of the retreat was "Restless is the Heart: God's Longing For Us". I arrived Friday evening and got settled in my room. The retreat started at dinner, and then in the first of the four conferences that were presented over the course of the weekend. After the first conference was over, we were told not to speak until dinner on Saturday; after that dinner we were to maintain silence until Sunday at lunch.
The retreat was wonderful. Each of the conferences touched me, and the solitude in between each of them was great for taking to heart what I heard. The weather was beautiful, perfect for walking in the woods or sitting on a bench.
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