
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The End

A little over a year ago I heard a radio program that changed my life.

When I listened an interview on NPR with Jen Mac, where she talked about her year-long project to do a new thing every day, I was fascinated. I was almost ready to turn 49 and I wondered if I could pull off a similar project. In less than a week I set up a blog (although I barely knew what a blog was!) told all my friends what I was doing, and solicited ideas for activities.

Now, a year later, the project is done. Three hundred and sixty-six activities (plus a bonus one) have been completed. I'd like to say thank you to everyone who's read this blog or left a comment. I've "met" so many wonderful people along the way.

The biggest thank yous, though, have to be for my family and friends. Hubby Tony was my partner in many of my activities, provided lots of moral support, and patiently put up with my daily writing. Sons Tony, Brian, and Donald also participated in a few enterprises, and supplied me with lots of ideas.

My wonderful friends kept me supplied with ideas, encouraged me, and were always ready to embark on activities with me. In no particular order, they are Dani, Kathy C, Dana, Stephanie, Patty, Debbie, Nicole, Peter, Joe, and Denise. If I've forgotten someone, I apologize; let me know and I'll include your name.

I'm finished posting here, but now I'm sort of addicted to blogging. If you're so inclined, you'll be able to find me at my NEW blog, The Second Half of My Life. I won't be posting everyday; I'm aiming for quality rather than quantity.


  1. I loved reading your "new things" and will miss them. Will update my RSS reader for the new blog!

  2. OK! I'll update my blog link right now. I hope you've also updated your blogroll because I moved, too. I'm now at http://myworldsastage.blogspot.com (formerly KC at All the World's a Stage)

  3. Congratulations on completing your project! I finally, finally, finally finished mine up yesterday. And I'm launching my new blog...probably tomorrow.

    I'm slowly running out of thing-a-day blogs to read...

  4. Congratulations on finishing a major achievement and I am sure you had fun along the way. I know I have picked up some useful hints and tips from some of the activities you tried, and have been with you most of the way since finding your blog last March..

    PS Happy belated Birthday... welcome to the The Second Half of your Life..


  5. Congrats! It looks like your trip was lovely!

  6. I love it! I can't wait to read the "second half." I thought you might have heard of the Jen girl, so way to go on getting inspired.

  7. WOnderful again, congratulations!

  8. Congrats on the great year. I love learning something new every day. I usually mark that event during the day by saying, "I live to learn" and my co-workers always laugh at me for saying it. I have to make a pack to try a few more new things in 2009. Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Congratulations. This is one of the best ideas for a blog that I've ever encountered.

  10. I wish I had come across this sooner. How incredible. I ned somethign liek that in my life right now.

  11. ...mmm...Thank you! I had great fun doing this project. Feel free to wander around and see what I did. Perhaps you'll find one or two things you'd like to try

  12. Wow. Good for you! You've done a great job with your blog and I'm excited to begin reading your new blog.

  13. I'm impressed. It took me about three tries to get started on a blog and I'm well into the second half of my life. I don't think I have the energy to try something different every day though.

  14. Congrats on completing the year here Kathy. I was just browsing over here and noticed that you started in 2008, wow time flies eh? lol

    Blogging and posting a photo daily is definitely a journey to say the least, I'm ending my second year and am going to continue with my blog. It's a part of my day, my me time and routine now and maybe I'm addicted as well to blogging but what the heck, this addiction is totally justifiable. I even read that blogging is therapeutic!

    Have a blessed and Happy New Year!

  15. My sister lives in Olivette .... hope she goes out for a walk today! Happy grilling.

  16. Wow Kathy, how awesome is this?! Shame I missed the year, but it is such a brilliant idea, you must have inspired many people, most importantly yourself - which is what we need truly need, don't you think? I have a birthday coming up, but it's nothing monumental... Still, I feel so inspired by this :)

    P.s. happy birthday ;)

  17. congratulations. i know it's not easy. it's actually quite an accomplishment. we learn things and discover things along the way we never imagined, i think...

  18. congratulations. going to check out the new place...

  19. i should look at the date of these things:)

  20. a touching post dear Kathy !
    how nice we both started our blogs in 2009 :)
    mine created my eldest son and i will be thankful for his kindness and care he had for my loneliness

  21. Well done, Kathy! I'll definitely visit you at your new blog.
