Because I didn't want to tackle the decorating job by myself, I opened this last box and took a trip down memory lane. There were an assortment of hand-made Advent wreaths, sock dolls, and pine-cone ornaments. However, one thing really caught my eye; it was a Christmas door hanger made with manila rope, red ribbon, and jingle bells. The rope was braided together and tied with knots on each end. I decided that this hanger would see duty this season; I went out to the garage and put a Christmas decoration on my car.
I draped the rope over the driver's side mirror, and secured it with some green garden twine. The extra color made it look even more festive:
I finally threw out a box of paper ornaments Jen made when in elementary school. I have to start cleaning out decorations if we are going to move in a couple of years. Last year I gave away a wreath and one of those stuffed trees from the 70s. This year I took a whole box of moose and snowmen to school for the display case.